Whatever you may call it – stress, worry, concern, anxiousness, prevarication, avoidance, impatience, nervousness, defensiveness, aggression, helplessness – you are actually talking about Fear. All of these feelings, states and behaviours are aspects of fear, and they are getting in your way, blocking your success, your fulfilment, your relationships.
Of course, fear has its place. If a car is coming at you unexpectedly on a road you want fear to kick in and get you out of the way – fast! Your fear response is rooted in the oldest part of your brain – the ‘reptilian’ brain – and its job is to keep your physical self, your body, alive …
The problem is, fear has gone beyond the boundaries of its true responsibilities of your physical self. Instead of just protecting the ‘vehicle’ that carries the higher aspects of your humanity, it thinks it has to control and protect them, too.
Fear has taken possession of your emotions, your thoughts, your psychology, even your spirituality, as well.
Unfortunately, fear has no understanding of the purpose, the beauty or the potential of these aspects of yourself that it has annexed for its own purposes.
Like an overbearing, over-anxious, over-controlling authority figure, it panics at the first sign of challenge, of change, of a falsely perceived threat and locks you down. It hijacks all your resources and traps them in the prison of its own primitive, crude perceptions.
When you act through fear, you are acting from your ‘reptilian’ self – you are less than human!
And because fear is one of the most infectious states known to humanity, it is no wonder that we experience it increasing in all aspects of life around us. We end up forsaking our human capacities for connection, understanding and growth and end up in separate tribes shouting at each other from behind the barricades that we, ourselves, have erected …
But you can choose to free yourself. You can “put fear back in its box” and liberate your true, human potential. You can begin to create a fearless culture for yourself, your loved ones, your colleagues, your community, your world …
And that is what The Fearless Culture online, interactive course is designed to help you do.
- Do you find you hold yourself back – and then regret it?
- Do you find yourself getting tense, angry, defensive, closing down, feeling resentful, damaging relationships and losing opportunities?
- Do you sometimes do what you don’t want to do – and not do what you really want to do?
- Do you find yourself not saying things you want to say – and saying things you don’t want to say?
- Do you wish that you could do or say something, but are afraid of the consequences?
Have a look and see how to free yourself at https://fearlessculture.life