We are all unique individuals – the way you lead most effectively will differ from the way others lead
The quality of your Leadership is determined by the quality of your Awareness of and your ability to Connect with yourself and others to enable the Transformations you seek (the ACT of leadership)
Leadership beyond the very basics cannot be “trained” – it must be developed by each individual through their own being and personality, relevant to their circumstances
Knowledge and skills are not enough – for sustainable behavioural change, leadership must be addressed experientially at the level of values, beliefs, and purpose
All leadership begins with leadership of self – the ability to “… keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, and blaming it on you!”, and this requires the integration of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions
An individual’s potential is limited by FEAR in its many forms – tension, stress, anxiety, dependency. The aim of all true leadership is to create a FEARLESS CULTURE
PRESENCE is the most powerful antidote to FEAR – if you are not here in this moment, where are you and with what are you connected?
Leading others is about enabling, not doing
Leaders at all levels need to be empowered to respond to events as they occur with confidence and accountability (“Distributed Leadersh
ip” in a “VUCA” – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous – world)
Leadership development delivers tangible business value – performance and profit – as well as human value such as engagement and empowerment